Location 46-47,Kamla Amrut Industrial Park, Indrad, Ahmedabad-Mehsana Highway Gujarat
Customer care 1800 120 300 700

Septic Tank

The core agenda of making Oxygen Septic tanks is to protect the health of and the environment. This product is designed to treat and dispose of home waste/wastewater. While preventing drinking water contamination at the source, which makes good sense when it comes to public health, the economy and the environment

Code No. Capacity (liters) Height Base Dia Overall Dia Manhole
OPST-01200 1200 1365 900 1325 400
OPST-02000 2000 1645 1125 1585 400
OPST-05000 5000 2550 - 2000 480

How does it work?

Wastewater from the toilet, sink, shower, washing machine and other drain flows through the household sewer drain pipe into a septic tank. The septic tank provides a number of important functions through a complex interaction of physical and biological processes. The septic tank receives sewage from the house. separates solid waste from liquid waste, stores separated solid waste and passes the liquid waste out of the tank for final treatment and disposal. The main function of the septic tank is to remove solid waste from liquid waste. The process relies on gravity and time to naturally separate the wastewater into three layers

  • SCUM: Substances lighter than water (oil, grease, fats) float to the top, forming a layer on top of the water
  • SLUDGE: Substances heavier than water (soil, unconsumed food particles) settle at the bottom of the tank and form a sludge layer.
  • EFFLUENT: This is the wastewater left between the scum and sludge layers. The effluent flows through the tank outlet to the soak-pit/drain-field where natural treatment occurs
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